Today we are reading the Bible with Amy Cruickshanks, a Bible Translation Consultant for Bible Society Australia. One of her great joys is seeing people grow in their relationship with God as they engage with him and read the Bible in their own language.
Have you ever tried to will yourself to be more humble? Or to have more compassion for someone? Or to be just a bit more patient?
I know that whenever I have done this — tried to will myself to be a person of more <enter chosen virtue here> — it has never resulted in a permanent transformation of my character. I may have been kinder, more gentle, or more loving for a short time, but sooner or later, I reverted to my default level, at times disappointed with myself for not being better at … well, being better.
In today’s passage, Paul commands believers to consciously be people who are compassionate, kind, humble, gentle, patient, forbearing, forgiving, loving and peaceful. He does this because he understands how important it is for the members of Jesus’ body to come together in unity and harmony, and to live in peace with one another. I understand how vital this is too. But how do we become people from whom these qualities naturally flow if we can’t just make it happen by will or desire alone?
I believe the key lies in where we choose for our hearts and minds to abide, both individually and corporately. In John 15:5 we find these words of Jesus: “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” In this Scripture, Jesus tells us that when we dwell in him, we will bear fruit. It is not a matter of striving to make it happen, it will naturally occur as we draw close to him and allow him to transform our hearts. So, if we want to change, to become more Christ-like, it is imperative that we choose daily to abide in Jesus. When we do, following Paul’s commands seen in today’s passage becomes a whole lot easier, and a more joyful and fruitful pursuit.
Prayer: Lord God, thank you that we, your followers, are unified in you as members of one body. Please help us to remember how important your body is and that for us to be healthy and to flourish as one, we need to prioritise becoming more like Jesus. We recognise that we cannot change by willing ourselves to be different, but that it is you, God, who transforms us more into your likeness. Thank you that as we draw close and make you our dwelling place, seeking to grow in compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, patience, peace and love, that you will help us do so.