14 day plan

"This is my body"

Day 14 of 14


Reflection: Where are you, Immanuel?

I believe…in one Lord Jesus Christ…

Who for us and for our salvation

came down from heaven;

became incarnate by the Holy Spirit and the virgin Mary,

and was made human.

He was crucified for us under Pontius Pilate;

he suffered and was buried.

The third day he rose again, according to the Scriptures.

He ascended to heaven

and is seated at the right hand of the Father.

He will come again with glory

to judge the living and the dead.

His kingdom will never end. (Nicene Creed paraphrased)

Whether you picture Jesus seated on some cosmic throne or curled up in hyperspace, The Good News is that he is always with us. Always ruling his world and always at work in his world—making all things new, reconciling all creation to himself.

He’s so present that he’s named the church as his body. What began as that little band of believers mentioned in Acts is now his body throughout the world. His physical body fulfilled its mission, through death, to present us, as a communal body, holy to the Lord. And now we reflect him and this Good News in holy group dynamics—the body of Christ, the Church.


Church, be at peace and full of grace through our eternal God and his faithful Son,

champion over death and ruler of creation-reborn.

Be in worship of him who so loved us that he rescued us from our sins by his own blood,

qualifying us to serve God and call him Father.

Be alert for his return, when all creation will tremble at his justice and might.

Body of Christ, take heart, because the Lord is LORD. I AM*.

(Revelation 1:4-7 paraphrased, *Exodus 3:14)