7 day plan

The Legacy We Carry

Day 6 of 7


Reflection: Parental Legacy

The contrast between the boy Samuel and Eli’ s sons, Hophni and Phinehas, is notable in chapter 2 of 1 Samuel.

Eli was a priest serving with his sons and Samuel, Elkanah’ s son, who was under his supervision in the temple. However, Eli’s sons did not know God nor a fellowship with him even though their father did. The Bible records they were ‘sons of Belial’ which means wicked men. They disobeyed the law of Moses by not being contented with specific proportions of meat for sacrifice. They would take in more. The law also required a burning of the fat for sacrifice, but the two men choose to use raw meat. In essence, they treated God’s offering with contempt.

In sharp contrast, Samuel was a faithful son under Eli. His ministry was pure, and God caused him to mature both spiritually and socially.

Look, you can be a follower of Jesus and a parent and faithfully serve God — but if you do not train your children how they should walk, then there are no godly offspring for you to leave behind. Samuel was used in great ways by God, but Eli’s sons died when they were still young.

See, if we are not intentional in building a strong family altar, then we will fall within a whole generation. May God help us to be stewards of raising godly offspring and leave a strong parental legacy behind.

Prayer:  Dear God, open my eyes and give me wisdom to nurture my children in a way that pleases you, that all may be under the influence of Christ.
