Reflection: Before we forget something important during our Daily Bible series about God’s children, remember this: Jesus is uniquely the Son of God. As the one who ensures any of us can become children of God, Jesus is the gold standard of what that is. Just take a quick squiz at any of the Gospels and pay some mind to how Jesus lives his earthly life. And then soak again in the beautiful bond that defines everything that is and will be – “This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased.” Even as the Father and Son’s relationship is cosmic in scope and significance, its earthly facet shouldn’t be underestimated – especially when God booms from on high about his love and pleasure for this Son who would sacrifice himself for the rest of us “while we were still sinners” (see Romans 5:8).
Question: How does your love and reverence for Jesus increase when you consider he is the beloved son of God the Father?
Prayer: Almighty God, Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, never cease to fill me with joy and gratitude about the grace you have given to me through your precious Son. Amen.