Reflection: Obedience
As children of God, our love for Jesus Christ is shown by our obedience to his word. We cannot say we love Christ and yet we fail to obey what he commands us to do.
As I travel around the remote villages of Mozambique, these verses minister deep inside my heart and reveal a deeper meaning of what Jesus meant. We find people who have never held a Bible in their hands; and to make it worse, they can’t read or write. The biggest question running through my mind is, ‘how will they know about Jesus Christ?’.
Jesus knows about them and counts on someone who loves him to help take the gospel to them. Jesus Christ said it: we cannot say we love him when we do nothing for our neighbours and brothers. It is our task as Christians to carry the gospel to the ends of the earth. This we can do only if we love Christ, consider the weak, and strengthen them; if we do our part in taking the word of God to everyone.
Lord Jesus, I want to thank you for letting me know you and giving me the opportunity to serve you. Help me obey your word, to demonstrate my love to you. Make me a vessel through which souls will be won for the kingdom in Jesus’ name. Amen.