7 day plan

Taking the Gospel to Many Nations

Day 4 of 7



Jonah is a distinctive Israelite prophet.

He directly received the word of the LORD God, who commanded him to go to Nineveh, a nation outside Israel’s usual circle of friends or family (Jonah 1:1-2). As a prophet of God and his designated spokesperson, Jonah was obligated to listen to God and follow his instructions. However, he failed to do so.

Consequently, God deemed it necessary to teach a lesson to Jonah.

Confined within the belly of a large fish, a place of uncleanness, Jonah had to remain for three days and three nights. During this time, as he contemplated God’s command and his response to it, he offered his prayer (Jonah 2). It was then that he realised the extent of God’s love for the world and declared, “Salvation comes from the Lord” (Jonah 2:9).

The message of salvation in Jesus Christ is indeed good news meant to be shared with others. The crucial question remains: Are we attuned to God’s calling?


We pray for a multiplication of labourers in your harvest field, dedicated to proclaiming the message of salvation to every corner of the earth. Strengthen and empower your Church to be a beacon of light, drawing people from every nation and background to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.
