14 day plan

Stormy Waters (Part 2)

Day 6 of 14


Reflection:  Do you catch yourself occasionally thinking of people who are dear to you who have died and gone before? For them, there is less mystery… and more joy. They have entered into God’s rest… and isn’t that beautiful?

A wonderful reality taught by Scripture is that those whom we love, who have died in faith, help form the “cloud of witnesses” that is cheering each of us on to the finish line.

Just think of that for a moment: those whom you have loved, are willing you to cross the line well. Why? Because they know.

They know the full reality of what God has promised.

So, let’s not disappoint them.

Prayer: Dear Father, You have invited me to be your child … and have invited me to share in an eternal adventure that I cannot now conceive of. But I know enough to look forward to it. Until that time, Father, please help me live this life well.  Amen.