7 day plan

Sport and the Mission of God

Day 6 of 7



Most of us would know these ‘fruit of the Spirit’ by heart; but putting them into practice is another matter. The fruit of the Spirit reveal the character of a born-again person, transformed by the Spirit to reflect the person of Jesus. Again, this is counter-cultural, and contrasts with the character of the ‘world’ (see Galatians 5:19-20). Rather than be defeated, we are people of hope, working out our salvation, increasingly revealing Jesus and living for him.

While sport can develop character with explicit instruction and application, it more often reveals character. How we handle winning and losing, injuries and disappointments. One sports ministry leader said that sport can be like shaking a soft drink bottle then taking the lid off.

Focussing on joy in sport, scholar Rev Dr Ashley Noll puts it like this: “As a God-given gift, every race, every game, every performance is an opportunity to experience afresh the thrill that comes from doing something God designed the heart of every sportsperson to love. In the film Chariots of Fire, Eric Liddell aptly expresses this approach to sport: ‘I believe God made me for a purpose, but he also made me fast, and when I run, I feel his pleasure.’”


Dear God, thank you for the way you reveal and build our character through life’s experiences. May I reveal your character and resist the temptation to live in the flesh. Help me to identify areas where I need growth and opportunities to do so, with your strength. In life and sport, may I deeply experience the joy we can have as I honour you and witness for you. In your Holy Name, amen.
