Series Introduction:
For the seven days, we’ll be reading the Bible with Jim Dayhew, who is leading the development of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes in Australia. Jim reflects, “This series of devotions will demonstrate, through the lens of sport, how God’s mission can be at work in us and through us, in everyday life. Christians understand the mission of God to be central to God’s relationship with humans and his creation. The trajectory of God’s mission is seen throughout Scripture, from Genesis to Revelation. We also understand that all our life is to be offered as a living sacrifice for Jesus’s glory, with our minds transformed for God’s service. However, we need help to apply this to specific domains of life. The hope is that whether or not you are sporty, you will recognise the mutual calling of believers to be kingdom disciple-makers, in whatever paths God has placed you on, and with whatever passions God has shaped in you, for his mission.
God saw all that he had made, and it was very good. And there was evening, and there was morning—the sixth day. (Genesis 1:31)
We begin our journey at the beginning! These verses may be quite familiar to you. Just before these verses, we see the creation of humans, the pinnacle of God’s physical creation. The creation is good — very good — with humans the capstone to the overall perfection of God’s handiwork. God provided all that humans would need to thrive in his creation, ruling under his rule as stewards of all.
The creation mandate of verse 28 involves blessing, growth and stewardship. It maintains the order of creation, care for creation, and cultivates creation. Sadly, the Fall (recounted in Genesis 3, which we will come to in tomorrow’s devotion) distorts God’s good creation. Nevertheless, even post Fall, we take the creation mandate into the world.
From our particular lens for this devotion series, it can be said that sport, at its best, expresses our God-given ability to order, care for, and create with the elements God provides. From earliest times humans have been innovative in their recreational pursuits, from primitive games to the Ancient Olympic Games to modern professional sport. Consider Pickleball: a renewed fad which takes and adapts tennis, badminton, and table tennis for a new audience. Sport is a good gift of God which can develop human community, recreation, enjoyment for God’s purposes and praise.
Dear Lord, I praise you as our creator and King overall. Thank you for the privilege of knowing you, by grace through faith in Jesus. Thank you that you made me to be a steward of your creation and a partner in your mission. Help me to understand how I can serve you in all parts of my life — with my family and friends, church community, school, and work, in sport and other areas of recreation. In Jesus’ name, amen.