7 day plan

Sport and the Mission of God

Christians understand the mission of God to be central to God’s relationship to humans and his creation. The trajectory of God’s mission is seen throughout Scripture, from Genesis to Revelation. We also understand that all our life is to be offered as a living sacrifice for Jesus’s glory, with our minds transformed for God’s service. However, we need help to apply this to specific domains of life. This series of devotions will demonstrate, through the lens of sport, how God’s mission can be at work in and through us in the everyday life we live. The hope is that whether you are sporty or not, you will recognise the calling on all of us to be kingdom disciple- makers in the paths and passions God has shaped us with for his mission.

Author: Jim Dayhew
Jim is leading the development of Fellowship of Christian Athletes in Australia and has a long-term involvement in sports ministry both in Australia and internationally. He works as a high school Dean of Students and teaches Christian Studies / Studies of Religion, PDHPE and Wellbeing. Jim and his wife, Jenny, attend Panania Anglican Church in Sydney.
