7 day plan

Sport and the Mission of God

Day 5 of 7



Paul become a slave (a servant) by choice, to see as many people come to Jesus as possible. As Christians, we are on a mission for God. We know of Paul’s courage and conviction but may not always acknowledge his creativity in mission. He basically says, “I will go, I will do, whatever it takes.” So, he approaches each people group and life circumstances as he needs to connect the same gospel message to the hearers. Mission scholars call this ‘cultural contextualisation’; others call it common-sense!

The opportunity for gospel mission through sport around the word is immense.* This ministry responds to the reality that for many, sport is their religion. A bespoke approach is needed, by people who know and love the people of sport.


Dear Father, Son and Holy Spirit, thank you for the gift of sport and the people of sport, whom you love. May sport be a sphere in which Christians can worship you and witness for you. Help all of us consider how to engage, equip, and empower those we come into contact with – either our teams, clubs, schools, or churches. Give us a heart for the sporting fields ripe for harvest, so that those you have called will come to you in faith and repentance. In your name, amen.


*The Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) has ministry in 115 countries, is reaching millions, and sees thousands come to Christ each year. Some ministries focus on providing voluntary chaplains. As we commence in Australia, FCA is looking to engage, equip, and empower coaches, athletes and others to be disciple-makers. We have Huddle groups in schools and the community, we plan to develop camps, have tailored sports-themed Bibles and resources. If you are a part of, or have a heart for, the world of sport, maybe this is for you.
