The Apostle Paul writes about the quality of relationships in the Christian community that are marked by humble, generous love, no matter the character or status of those to whom Christians relate.
When natural disasters like fires, floods, droughts and pandemics strike, we are reminded how important it is to share what we have with those in need, and particularly with fellow Christians. Churches often function as significant collection points for donations, support and distribution of aid to their local communities. During the recent floods in northern NSW, Christians were among those who saved lives from drowning through their rescue efforts. We know how important it is to support those in need.
In 1 Corinthians 16:1-3, Paul writes of a collection he was organizing for the churches in Jerusalem suffering from famine. Contributing to the needs of ‘the saints’ and extending hospitality to strangers is a true mark of Christian discipleship. It is faith in action.
How can we respond as loving neighbours to our world? How can we, as Jesus’ followers, members of his Body, the Church, continue his ministry?
Prayer: Loving Lord, Forgive us when we are so influenced by our culture that we become blind to the needs of our neighbours, particularly those who are members of the Body of Christ. Help me to move beyond my level of comfort and open my heart, home and mind to those beyond my immediate circles, to include those who are different from me. Make me a peace maker who builds up the Body of Christ, repairs fences and works for reconciliation.