14 day plan

Hope for uncertain times

Day 14 of 14



It’s hard to imagine a world where everything is right and perfect, but that is the picture we are given here of eternity with God. Once again, God will live with his people, harking back to the early days in Genesis when there was no sin and he walked with the man and the woman. He will be the one who will wipe away every tear and restore the world, ushering in the new order where sin and decay no longer have any place.

It is such a beautiful picture of things made right.

How can the hope of all things being rightly restored help you to live now, when life is messy and painful?


Lord God, thank you for the hope of a future where all the wrongs are righted, and there will no longer be any death, mourning, tears or pain.  Please help me to hold on to that hope when life here on earth is messy and painful.  Amen.

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