Isaiah 40 is full of words of comfort for a weary soul. The prophet reminds us of what the Lord is like — he is the everlasting God, who has no beginning or end, who created all. Nothing can tire or frustrate him; he possesses all knowledge and wisdom.
This is so different to us, who so easily grow tired and weary, who stumble and fall. For those who turn to the Lord in hope, he will care for them, providing them with strength and power. He not only never lacks anything for himself, but he shares it with us. If we hope in him, we will soar on wings like eagles.
Are you feeling tired and weary? How can you place your hope in the Lord?
Everlasting Lord, creator of all, I praise you for your endurance, wisdom and understanding. I am tired and weary. Help me to place my hope in you. Give me your strength and power. Amen.