14 day plan

Hope for uncertain times

Day 10 of 14



There are times when it feels like we are crushed, despairing, abandoned and destroyed. The walls have come caving down, and there is no light to be seen.

The promises in 2 Cor 4:7-9 remind us that the Lord remains with us, and it is his power that is at work. Paul who is being persecuted holds on to the hope that in the midst of incredible hardship, he is not defeated. He is hard pressed, perplexed, persecuted and struck down, but the Lord is at work in and through him.

When it all feels like it is too much, how can we gain some perspective to remind us that the powerful God is at work in the situation?


Father God, I am thankful that you have the all-surpassing power. Please help me to remember that when it feels hopeless, that I can continue to hope in you. Amen.