14 day plan

Hope for uncertain times

Day 1 of 14


Series Introduction*

Sometimes life throws curve balls at us. Sometimes it feels like we’re wading through a pit full of curve balls. In the midst of certain uncertainty, the Bible offers us surprising words of comfort, that tell us of God’s promise to never leave us or forsake us.


God makes some huge promises to Abram. As he tells Abram to leave behind his country and head into the land that he will show him, he promises that he will be the one who will change Abram’s fortunes. Four times he repeats “I will”. He will make him into a great nation, he will make his name great, he will bless those who bless him, and he will make blessed all peoples on the earth through him.

While God is calling Abram to a huge exercise of faith, he promises that he will be at work in it all and remain faithful to his promises.

What comfort do you find in the promises God makes to Abram?


Father God, thank you for being a God who not only makes promises, but keeps them. Help me to have faith like Abram, who took you at your word and trusted you to provide for him.  Amen.


*this Daily Bible series was originally written for BSA in 2017