Reflection: Most of us are aware of Job’s terrible tale of woe. The righteous man who lost everything following a conversation between Satan and God as to whether Job would curse God if his life was overcome with suffering. Job remained true to God even though he had no understanding of why everything in his life had been taken away.
This Bible verse is part of an entire chapter titled Interlude: Where Wisdom is Found. It is a beautiful descriptive piece, setting up these questions posed in verse 12. Man can go into the deepest depths, searching for priceless stones, places that not even the animals can reach, and yet wisdom is not there!
Job then asks, ‘where can wisdom be found?’
He has found no earthly answers to his predicament. He has been brought to his knees and he knows that wisdom cannot be purchased, not even with rubies or pure gold.
Out of Job’s suffering he has learned a lesson that we can only learn through our own suffering. That God alone sees everything and knows where wisdom dwells.
This is a profound story that has the potential to bring great comfort when we are brought to our knees.
Prayer: Creator God, help me to understand the lessons of Job. Help me to draw comfort no matter my circumstances, in the knowledge that all wisdom and understanding dwell with you. Amen.