We all have our ‘go-to’ Bible verses — wonderful truths that point us back to God’s answers in Christ, and his promise to be with us in everything. We need them! My favourite verses are underlined and memorised and re-read on all the days when I feel weary or confused or full of questions. Recently, I’ve also had the joy of asking hundreds of people about their faith journeys and their favourite Bible verses, as I’ve been writing ‘Faith Stories’ for the Bible Society. It’s been so encouraging, especially hearing the range of ways that God’s truth is changing us and compelling us, at work, at home, in hospital, and in our communities. Over the next two weeks, I’d love to share some of these Bible truths with you.
Author: Naomi Reed
Naomi Reed is a much-loved Australian Christian author. She and her husband Darren served in Nepal for six years, both working as physiotherapists, and then later training local physios. Naomi also homeschooled their three sons on a Himalayan ridge and began to write, by candlelight. Her first published book ‘My Seventh Monsoon’ was followed by 11 other books, including her latest, ‘Every moment, everywhere – Australian faith stories to fill up your soul.’ Since returning to Australia, Naomi has continued to share God’s truths in a variety of ways including radio, books, speaking, compiling faith stories and creative storytelling. Go to www.NaomiReed.Info