Reflection: Imagine yourself standing on a hill outside Bethlehem. There is a group of you who look after flocks of sheep. Some of the flocks may have belonged to the temple. If so, it would have been ironic because your job as a shepherd meant that you didn’t have the opportunity to go to the temple. As such, you were considered to be irreligious.
You were just a shepherd… and nothing ever changed. Life had dealt you a poor hand. The walls of Jerusalem you could see to the north were a visual reminder that you were excluded from God.
And then God organised a heavenly choir to announce the birth of his son to a group of shepherds, people who were especially close to his heart: the excluded ones; the “outside” ones; the humble ones, and the poor.
How does it make you feel, knowing that God reserves front row seats for people like you?
Prayer: Dear Father,
I love your character. I love that you gave such priority to the bewildered, the humble and the poor. I delight to place my life in the hands of such a wonderful God.