13 day plan

The Pilgrim’s Journey

Day 7 of 13



My Bible is filled with all sorts of ‘things,’ from photos of my children and grandchildren, quotes that have taken my fancy, a beautiful leaf I picked from somewhere, and many other sentimental things which no one else would ever appreciate. One of the photos is of myself and one of my best mates at his daughter’s wedding. We are laughing – well it’s more than laughing. It’s a photo of two lifelong mates enjoying a private joke. I smile and cry when I look at it because my good mate died eighteen months ago, and I was with him.

There is something about laughter. I wish I did more of it. Perhaps it is the way I was raised, or my life as a lawyer when I was younger that has robbed me of the ability to laugh hard and laugh often.

This psalm reminds me to laugh, celebrate and express joy more often.

This psalm gives us a clue as to HOW.

As the pilgrims entered Jerusalem, they would have seen the goodness of God in action. Imagine an exiled people being allowed to come back to their ‘spiritual home.’

Sometimes I have to STOP and think of the goodness of God in my life – all the things that God has done for me – and I find myself smiling at his goodness. Occasionally, laughter breaks forth as I remember those moments when it was ‘only God’. And yes, there are also tears. Maybe I’m just a ‘softie’ but joy and tears are wonderful companions and I have learnt to enjoy the sensation of both in my life.

Why not think of some of the wonderful, amazing things that God has done for you before you pray? Let the smile appear, let laughter erupt and tears flow. It’s good for the soul, believe me.


My dear Father, you have been good to me. I think of the wonderful things that you have done for me over the years that my heart is filled with joy and thanksgiving all at once. My thoughts are filled with your goodness towards me. Sometimes I feel so undeserving of your favour, yet I know that doesn’t enter your thoughts towards me. You are filled with love towards me and your grace flows freely and abundantly in my life. I am so thankful, Lord.