13 day plan

The Pilgrim’s Journey

Day 1 of 13


Psalm 120:1,5-7

 I call on the Lord in my distress and he answers me. … Woe to me that I dwell in Meshek, that I live among the tents of Kedar! Too long have I lived among those who hate peace. I am for peace, but when I speak, they are for war.” Psalm 120:1, 5-7, NIV

Series Introduction

Psalms 120 – 135 are a series of 15 Psalms sung by pilgrims either on their way to Jerusalem to celebrate one of the festivals, or at the festivals themselves. Over the next fortnight, let’s journey with Mark Edwards as he explores how these ancient Psalms sung by pilgrims relate to us today. The Psalms speak of hope, passion, future dreams, desire and trust amid a journey that relives past memories, present sufferings and future promises. As Mark indicates, there is always hope in the midst of whatever arduous journey you undertake.


I have attempted to imagine why this was the first song sung as the pilgrims reached Jerusalem. Then I realised it is, in some ways, a lament for the surroundings the pilgrims found themselves living in while away from their beloved Jerusalem. In an environment of continual hostility, they long for the time when they can enjoy peace. There is almost this urgent cry to get to their destination. Practically, the hostility won’t cease when they get to Jerusalem. Like all of us, I have been in environments of ‘hostility’ against what I believe in. Sometimes I am weary of justifying my faith when another hostile ‘report’ is brought to my attention. I long for peace.

Yet rather than seeking the utopian safety of ‘Jerusalem,’ I should realise that my faith has the opportunity to shine in hostile places. Amid hostility, grace, love, forgiveness, tolerance, sweetness of heart, compassion and my speech ‘seasoned with salt’ and wisdom.

At those times, perhaps the psalmist should have remembered the words that were uttered from his heart, ‘I took my troubles to the Lord, I cried out to him, AND HE ANSWERED MY PRAYER.’

Yes, in the midst of ‘war,’ I am the instrument of God’s peace.


Dear Lord God, forgive me when I forget that it is you who have placed me in difficult surroundings. In the surroundings that I find myself, please give me the right words to say, the most gracious of actions to display and the wisdom to know when silence should reign. Let me be an instrument of the beauty of your peace in every situation I find myself in.