14 day plan

The God Who Guides

Day 12 of 14


Reflection:  A boy who listened

An example of someone who learned to recognise the voice of God’s Spirit is Samuel. As a boy sleeping near the Ark of the Covenant, he was awakened by the audible voice of God, but did not recognise whose it was, for he was not yet familiar with it (1 Samuel 3:1-10). But as he grew, Samuel learned the distinctive qualities of God’s voice (1 Samuel 3:19-21).

In 1 Samuel 16:1-12, we find the story of Samuel being sent to anoint David as king of Israel. We note that the Lord spoke clearly and directly to Samuel. How God spoke in 1 Samuel 16:1-3 — whether audibly or as an inner voice — we do not know, but in 1 Samuel 16:7-12 there is no question that God spoke inaudibly to Samuel’s heart, for it is obvious that Jesse did not hear the voice of God speaking. But whether God’s voice was audible or inaudible, Samuel had by this time come to recognise that voice. This is exactly the same process for you too. As American journalist, author and screenwriter, Adela Rogers St. John, once expressed:

“The first time you receive guidance you will know the difference. You can mistake rhinestones for diamonds, but you can never mistake a diamond for a rhinestone.” (Guideposts magazine, 1974)

Prayer:  Lord, I am inspired by Samuel’s ability to recognise and know your voice intimately. Thank you, Lord, that same ability to hear from you is available to me through Jesus. I pray that you teach me to quiet my heart, to pause and to listen to you today.