Reflection: Recognising the voice of the Shepherd (Part 2)
Imagine if we could experience Isaiah 50:4-5: “…He wakens me morning by morning, wakens my ear to listen like one being instructed. The Sovereign Lord has opened my ears, and I have not been rebellious, I have not turned away.”
You’ll notice that Isaiah learned to hear the voice of God, because God: “wakens my ear to listen like one being instructed”, and because he had: “opened my ears.” Your ears are first opened at the point of salvation, when you respond to God’s voice in the gospel and receive the Holy Spirit into your life. From that point in time, you are now fully equipped to hear God’s voice. But at the same time, your ear must be trained to recognise the voice of God.
It is said that a baby can recognise its mother’s voice while still in the womb. This is the result of continual repetition over the nine months of pregnancy. The child is literally bathed in the sound of its mother’s voice, so that when it is born, the mother’s voice is the first familiar sound it hears.
God wants you to be bathed in the sound of his voice, and there is only one way this can happen – by immersing yourself in the word of God. Recognition comes from familiarity, and familiarity comes from repetition. There are no shortcuts.
You only learn to do by doing. And in the same way, you learn to hear by hearing. It is in reading and studying God’s word that God’s voice becomes a familiar sound in your ears. For this reason, the Bible plays a central role in guidance in two ways:
- God’s word trains your ear — as you read the Bible, you learn to recognise the tone of God’s voice and become familiar with God’s heart and will.
- God’s word speaks to your ear — reading the Bible is much more than just a training exercise. It is actually an exercise in hearing God’s voice! As you prayerfully read his word, you will find that God will speak to your heart on issues that matter to him. As you obey the voice of God’s Spirit, speaking to you in the context of his word, you will soon discover how familiar and common the guiding voice of God truly is.
Prayer: Dear Lord, please awaken my ear to listen attentively, like a student being taught by the Holy Spirit. May your word train my ear, as I read the Bible, to discern the tone of your voice and grow intimately acquainted with your heart and will.