14 day plan

The Characters of Christmas

Day 7 of 14


Reflection: The Characters of Christmas: Angels

Martin Luther’s Evening Prayer was, “Let your holy angels be with me so that the evil enemy will not gain power over me”. I suspect most Christians give little thought to angels although we may entertain them unawares (Hebrews 13:2).

Angels played a prominent role at the birth of Jesus. They appeared to Joseph (three times), Mary, Zechariah, and the shepherds.

An angel announced to shepherds that the days of Israel’s waiting for their Saviour, Lord and Christ were over. Isaiah had spoken of the time when people’s sins which are as scarlet shall be as white as snow (1:18) and “sorrow and sighing will flee away” (51:11). The angel’s proclamation was that the promised day is “Today”. And it’s good news for all people. Then a choir of angels joined in glorifying God and announcing peace (a shorthand for all God’s saving benefits) on all those who receive his gracious gift.

One day we’ll join angels in praise of God who sent us Jesus (Revelation 5:12).

Prayer: Heavenly Father, today I join with the chorus of heaven, praising you and singing, “Worthy is the Lamb who was slain to receive power and wealth and wisdom and strength and honour and glory and praise”. Amen.