14 day plan

Out of the Darkness

Day 3 of 14


Proverbs 12:25

'Anxiety in a man's heart weighs him down, but a good word makes him glad.'  Proverbs 12:25, ESV


One of the beautiful facets of God’s word is that it reflects the reality of this mundane, often messy life.

The world of the Bible—our world—is far from the world of advertising that makes us desire hospital-grade clean houses and ultra-attractive bodies and expensive things to fill our clean houses.

This is just one example that the world of the Bible—our world—is a world where things like anxiety happen. And when it does, it is not usually relieved by ‘snapping yourself out of it’, or a snap prayer. But there is a reality too, that words, especially from a friend, can help, and heal, and provide a bit of light in the darkness.

What is a good word that has made you glad in the past? Who can you thank for it? Who can you share it with?


Dear Lord, in the darkness, help me to remember that you are my Father, and that you love me. Remind me of your goodness in your word, in the people you’ve put around me, in the Lord Jesus Christ.  Amen.