14 day plan

Out of the Darkness

My name is Guan, and for most of my life, I have wrestled with depression. That might seem a strange way to start a series of Bible studies, but when you’re in the darkness—of physical or mental anguish, of relationship breakdown, of loneliness or grief—it can be hard to see what God is saying to you in his word. Can he speak to us in when our joy is overshadowed by our suffering? Can the God of light lend us a lantern to lead us out of the darkness?  

Author: Guan Un
Guan is a freelance writer. In 2022 he published a short book, ‘Anxiety and Me’, in which he turns away from superficial answers and quick fixes, looking instead to Psalm 131. He offers Christians dealing with anxiety disorders—and those who love these fellow believers—biblical truths to cling to when thoughts, feelings and life seem overwhelming.