14 day plan

Opening the Bible Together

Day 8 of 14


Author: For the next four days, we’ll be opening the Bible Together with Bea Wickham* from Scripture Union Australia.


I once had a conversation with a man, Peter, in the Melbourne airport. Peter and I met — seemingly by chance — in a very bizarre circumstance. A large African man approached me, exclaimed that he was the ‘new Messiah,’ touched me with his pinkie finger and told me all my ailments were healed. Peter was sitting next to me, felt I needed assistance, and inserted himself into the conversation. The African man left (though not without a scene). Peter then proceeded to tell me his story: a scandal with his senior pastor had devastated his view of the Church, and he had decided he didn’t need church to worship God. He sat at home and read his Bible so vigilantly, that it almost ended his marriage. He had a clear passion for the truth and deeply loved the word of God, but hated the idea of institutional church. I so did not want to intrude my opinions onto this man’s heart-breaking story, but God strongly placed a word on my heart, which I chose to say to him.

“Share the Word. Forget the failures of men and bring others to you; help them to love the Word as much as you do.”

It was clear by the bewildered look on his face that God had convicted him in that moment, and after a few moments of silence, he exclaimed that this is what he needed to do, thanked me, and we went our separate ways.

This experience reconfirmed for me that God has given me the gifts I need to bring his word to others, but I still need to bring it to them, and not be distracted by all the messiness of life.

The simple truth in this passage, is that Paul chose Timothy, and shared the word with him. Paul sought him out, journeyed with him, and ensured that he kept the faith alive in the next generation. What God started in Paul, continued through Timothy, which continued in those under him, and those under the next person. The story continues with us, as we are direct descendants of the Gospel Truth. You don’t have to be a pastor or a preacher or a Bible scholar, you can simply be involved in the lives of those around you. Don’t keep the Good News to yourself, open the Bible with others, share your thoughts with them, guide them. If you’re unsure where to start, pray for God to place a name on your heart, ask your senior pastor, look online for Christian camps or programs where you can volunteer. There are many organisations who seek to make this first step easier for you.

I encourage you to carve out the time to invest the Word into others, it will make an eternal difference and you will be carrying on a legacy.


Dear Lord, please speak to us through your Holy Spirit and convict our hearts to the people you want us to share our faith with. Give me the courage to trust that you will give me the words to say. Put people in my path to encourage me on this journey and light a fire in my heart to share the Word with those already around me.

*Bea has worked in ministry for fifteen years, varying from Youth and Young Adults Ministry leader at Warnbro Community Church, three years on board the MV Logos Hope ship and currently working for Scripture Union Australia. She has a degree in Biblical Studies and a Masters of Transformational Development and has a passion for missions, both locally and overseas.