14 day plan

Opening the Bible Together

Day 3 of 14



I suspect we have all been part of a crowd with diverse nationalities, as more than ever before, people from everywhere are now…everywhere. But the crowd mentioned in Revelation 7:9 would be amazing! A crowd that no one could number! Not only was it massive, but there really are people from everywhere there! I have been in far smaller gatherings than this, just hundreds of people, where we have been from many nations, singing simultaneously in our own languages. An amazing experience. Perhaps something like a small taste of the gathering described in this verse.

This is one of the parts of Scripture that speak strongly of the value of cultural and language diversity to God. Why else would it specifically mention that those gathered are from every nation, tribe, people, and language?

This makes me think. If God values cultural and language diversity enough to specifically mention that every one of them will be represented before his throne, how much should I also value the different cultures and languages that people identify with? Today, as you notice people around you from a different culture and language, remember to thank God for them, and celebrate God’s unique and diverse creation.


Lord, help me to appreciate linguistic and cultural diversity as much as you do. Show me how I can appreciate and celebrate those from different backgrounds. Amen.