14 day plan

Opening the Bible Together

Day 2 of 14



This passage describes the continuing birth of the early church. People are just coming together as part of the new movement and in these verses, they are responding to Peter’s powerful sermon (Acts 2:14-36). As they heard of the saving message about Jesus, they responded in faith and then they were drawn together in unity to spend time with one another and share what they had.

Let’s go through that again. As we do, notice which part is more difficult for you.

These early believers responded in faith to the message of Jesus and were drawn together in unity to spend time with one another and share what they had.

Do you struggle with the idea of spending time generously or spending money generously? The believers felt a strong sense of unity, of the value of spending their time and their financial resources on one another. I have been the receiver of both. People have lavishly spent time with me, to mentor me and speak into my life. People have seen financial needs that I have had and were willing to give from what they had to meet my needs. Wow! Both of these are special.

How much do you value your fellow believers? Enough to spend precious time with them? Enough to spend valuable resources on them?


Lord, allow me to see the value of others as the early church did. Help me to express this through giving my time and my resources to bless others. Amen.