14 day plan

Opening the Bible Together

Day 1 of 14


Series Introduction:

Bible Society Australia has the privilege of Opening The Bible together with many like-minded organisations, as a part of our Remote and Indigenous Ministry Support work and our Scripture Grants Program. In this Daily Bible series, Christian leaders from some of these organisations will reflect on how Opening The Bible together across Australia brings unity. Unity across communities, unity in experiencing God’s healing and restoration, and unity across generations in serving God.

Author: For the next three days we’ll be Opening The Bible Together with Jason Griffiths* from SIL International.


This verse is a segment of the Apostle Paul’s message to the high council in Athens. He is introducing the true creator God to this group of thought leaders and describes how this is the God who created all people and all nations. There is unity across all nations and all communities through the common creator, and no place for any thoughts of superiority by these Greek philosophers that they were made better than others!

I am always excited as I travel to new countries, visit new churches, and meet people. My experience is that as I meet other believers — even as we meet for the first time — we have an immediate connection, as those united in Christ. As well as this connection with Christians, with everyone I meet, in every place, we have a commonality, as we are all part of God’s creation of all peoples and nations.

What connections with others do you see? As you go about your routine today, join me in looking with fresh eyes to see how you are connected to others. Some may be similar to you. Others may seem more distant from your lifestyle. How could you connect with them as people created by God? What opportunities might this commonality bring for you today?


Heavenly Father, we worship you as creator God, the one who holds all peoples in his hands. We recognise that we, along with all other people, are your creation. Would you help me to see others around me today, and open opportunities to act kindly and to have conversations that demonstrate my love for you. Amen.

*Jason Griffiths is a member of Wycliffe Bible Translators Australia and serves with SIL International in leadership in the Pacific. He has had the joy of cross-cultural living and experiences in the Asia-Pacific region since 2007.