17 day plan

Jesus. All About Life

Day 17 of 17


Reflection from Karl Faase:

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Jesus promised an abundant life – life to the full. What a significant promise: a life beyond the ordinary or the mundane. This is a promise to get you out of bed and into your day.

Yet many will be sceptical. They may even ask what happened to their promised abundance, as their existence seems marked by scarcity.

In modern Western nations we misread these verses because we read them through the lens of contemporary capitalist societies. For us we see abundance in terms of accumulation, profile and ease. If we have more than most; if we grow our social media platform; if we can live an easy life enjoying our accumulated wealth, that would be abundance.

That is not the abundance Jesus is speaking of. We get a hint of the values of Jesus when Paul writes to the church in Corinth. He says that in the end the key values that will remain will be faith, hope and love. Jesus’ life was to teach and release faith, hope and love.

This is not to say that enjoying wealth or profile or ease is not good. What it does say is that Jesus’ life, death and resurrection were not to make you materially wealthy, but spiritually rich.

Even in scarcity and times of challenge, we can have an abundance of faith, hope and love.

Today, pray for fresh eyes and an open heart to see where God has given you an abundance of faith, hope and love in the Easter season.

Prayer:  Lord, we come to you and confess that we have too easily fallen for the values of our community, rather than the values of the Kingdom. We have pursued the abundance of the presence, rather than the wealth of the eternal. Our prayer today, reflecting on the Easter ahead of us, is that we will have a fresh grasp of the abundance of faith, hope and love available to use through Jesus.

Author bio:  Karl Faase is the CEO of Olive Tree Media, that is releasing a new series, Faith Runs Deep, this year. You can hear his Daily Nudge radio spots on stations across Australia. Married to Jane, they have three children and five grandchildren.