7 day plan

Introducing Children to God and His Love

Day 7 of 7


Reflection:  In this passage, we find a powerful exhortation to persevere in our faith and to fully trust in the God who never fails.

Keeping hope firm is not an act of ignorance in the face of difficulties, but an act of faith and trust in a God who is greater than our circumstances. Although the tests may seem overwhelming, we are certain that our God is the Almighty, the one who can do impossible things and work miracles.

In the lives of many believers, there have been times when hope has been tested. However, those who have clung to their hope in God have experienced his faithfulness in the midst of adversity.

May this reflection encourage us to keep our hope in God firm, regardless of what we are facing. Let us remember his faithfulness in the past and trust in his guidance and provision for the future. In hope in Christ, we find the peace that surpasses all understanding and the certainty that our future is in the hands of a faithful and loving God. May our hope be a living testimony of his grace and his love for the world around us.

Prayer:  Dear God, at this time we approach you with humble hearts and full of gratitude. We thank you for your word that reminds us to hold fast to the hope we profess, because you are faithful and trustworthy in all circumstances.

We ask you, merciful God, to grant us the strength and perseverance to maintain our unwavering hope in the midst of difficulties. Allow that in each step we take, we can find comfort in your presence, strength in your power and direction in your wisdom. May our hope be a reflection of the hope we have in Christ Jesus, who is our rock and salvation.

In the name of Jesus, our Saviour and Redeemer, we pray. Amen.
