Reflection:Â Pungent Perfume
Triumphs are celebrated with the senses. We decorate, feast, play music, dance… Roman battle triumphs would have had all that as well as signature scents – clouds of incense. To the Roman victors that aroma would always evoke euphoria. But to the captive chain gang it was the scent of death.
Against that backdrop Paul paints a picture of us in a triumphal procession where we get to be both the captives and the aroma. Sharing the signature smell of Christ identifies us as his, yes. But more, it evokes God’s delight. God enjoys his own heady brand. Our godly lives are for his pleasure. Our fragrance will turn heads not our way, but to notice him.
What is so alluring about this essence is that it breathes life into souls. But here’s the hitch: the aroma is so strong it turns some people off. One might be tempted to tweak it just a little so it’s not so confronting.
Prayer:Â Father, thank you for enlisting me in this purposeful mission. Help me and your people around the world to winsomely adorn your potent gospel with courage and sincerity. Mercifully breathe life into hopeless hearts, that they might turn and worship you.