3 day plan

Created to be Creative – Part 2

Day 3 of 3


Some artwork is meant to be put on display, to be admired and appreciated. And there is also artwork that is utilitarian, with a practical, everyday purpose. We see examples in our homes every day. Cutlery, plates, cups, curtains and bedspreads – even our house and cars – were carefully designed to be both beautiful and serviceable.

In our world we see many things that God has created for us to view and enjoy. And he has also given us many beautiful things that have a day-by-day practical purpose. Did you know that you are one of God’s utilitarian handiworks? You are beautiful and you have a purpose. God created you to do good in the world. There is so much need for ‘good’ in our world – and this is why God created us. He chooses us to partner with him to make the world a better place. We are his practical artworks!

Let your good works start at home. What good things can you do today to serve the purpose you were created for?

Thank you, Father, for creating me anew in Christ Jesus and giving me a purpose in your world. Please guide my actions today and every day. Amen.
