3 day plan

Created to be Creative – Part 2

Day 1 of 3


There are two key words in this verse.

1. The word ‘therefore’ in verse 17, tells us that this is the second half of an idea. We can understand the meaning by looking at what’s gone before. Verse 16 tells us not to have a worldly view of ourselves and other believers. We now belong to the kingdom of God. We should see ourselves and others as new creations in God’s kingdom.

2. The second key word ‘new’ implies there was something before – something ‘old’. Our old heart and our old mind were lacking or broken. In Christ, we have been transformed. We have not been replaced with a better model – we are still ‘us’, but we are repaired, renewed and recreated. This reminds me of kintsugi, the Japanese art of putting broken pottery pieces back together with gold. Jesus recreated us with His love.

Do you sometimes find it hard to see yourself as ‘new’? Does the ‘old’ you cloud your vision? Does it help to know you are God’s kintsugi handiwork?

Father God, thank you for seeing in me a person of value despite my brokenness. Thank you for restoring me with love. Amen.
