14 day plan

Carry my name

Day 9 of 14


Reflection:  Ambassadors lose their identity in order to gain a new and greater identity. Ambassadors have the high calling of representing the values, culture and authority of a kingdom — and here’s the thing: all Christians are called to be ambassadors of Jesus Christ. That’s who we are as a church.

It’s probably fair to say that the church has damaged its integrity and credibility when it has failed to be Christ’s ambassador and has promoted its own ideas instead. Being an ambassador requires a degree of humility. You no longer represent yourself; you represent the consistent principles of God, as revealed in Scripture.

This raises a potentially disturbing question: Does being Christ’s ambassador mean that you lose your own identity and become less than you could be?

No, no, no. Being Christ’s ambassador means you will have to make decisions that will require you to exercise every potential God has placed within you. Your abilities will need to expand into the ‘bigness’ of all that the kingdom of God is, and you will have to apply its principles to the complex situations life throws at you. By doing this, you will be ‘carrying God’s name.’

Prayer:  Lord Jesus, there is no greater honour than be your servant, a servant tasked with representing your character and being about your purpose. My heart’s desire is to fulfil my role faithfully as your ambassador. Please keep me under the shadow of your wings so that I might be protected and fruitful in my role.