Reflection: Today’s verse is a declaration by God’s people to their God. It is a verse that speaks of obedience, patience and passion. It is a statement that is only relevant to those who are faithful, i.e., those who walk ‘in the way of [God’s] laws.’ It is a declaration that God’s people will wait for as long as it takes, knowing that God’s plans will ultimately resolve.
Faithfulness and patience are not easy. For us to succeed in either, something must motivate us. Today’s verse tells us what that is. It is that God’s ‘name and renown’ have become the desire of our hearts. This means that we feel it acutely when God’s name is not honoured in society. With this in mind, may I urge you in this: don’t surrender the flag of rationalism to atheism. The reality is: God is a God of all truth, including scientific truth. So, represent it well.
Four forces have built the universe. Two of them are the electromagnetic force and the gravitational force. If the relative strengths of those forces had varied by as much as one 10,000 trillion, trillion, trillionth, we would not have life on any planet. Statistics like these should remind you that you are not being irrational as a Christian. Cosmology is giving us good reasons to believe that God exists.
So, if your desire is for God’s ‘name and renown,’ share the reason for your faith with grace, confidence and courage.
Prayer: Heavenly Father, I am jealous for your name to be honoured, your values to be lived, and for the truth about you to be known. Please fill me afresh with your Holy Spirit so that this passion in my heart is fruitful in bringing you glory.