14 day plan

Carry my name

Day 12 of 14


Reflection:  Something in my spirit leaps with joy when I am in the company of Christian friends. It doesn’t matter what nationality, gender or status, something in my spirit recognises the Spirit of Jesus in them, and it is beautiful. God’s Spirit seems to ebb and flow around us. He inspires, teaches and cares. I find myself hungry to discover whatever the Holy Spirit wants to do as a result of hanging out with Christian friends.

God is always doing something, whether it be refining us, motivating us or leading us. The parables Jesus told teach us that God is always looking for more. Jesus spoke of grain harvests, vine harvests and the harvest from fruit trees. Similarly, God has designed his church to grow. I’ve never known any significant venture of the church to begin with anything other than a group of Christians coming together and making themselves vulnerable to God’s leading. Why? Because Jesus has promised to be with them — always.

It is this ‘always’ that amazes me. Jesus is under no obligation to be with his people when they meet, but he promises that he will be. This is of huge encouragement to us who seek to carry his name in challenging world. So, look for the presence of Jesus when you next meet with Christian friends.

Prayer:  Lord Jesus, even in the darkest times of grief and despair, I am never alone, for you are with me. And when I meet with Christian friends, you have promised to be with us. Please bring about your purposes whenever we meet together so that these times are life-giving, inspirational and fruitful.