14 day plan

Carry my name

Day 11 of 14


Reflection: Being a Christian changes what you do. It is something that is, and should rightly be, transformative. This doesn’t mean Christians are perfect, but it does mean that things are different. Christians are in the ‘process’ of being transformed (2 Corinthians 3:18). If we are obedient to the Holy Spirit transforming our character (Galatians 5:22-23), we will increasingly become ‘the aroma of Christ,’ (2 Corinthians 2:14). In other words, people will see Christ’s likeness in us.

The beautiful thing about this is that the things we do as Christians will flow naturally out from us. Very often, they will be small things, like noticing that someone needs a glass of water. But in God’s economy, nothing done because we are Christians goes unnoticed. Nothing. In the face of climate change, wars, famine and terrorism, the bigness of God is seen in him noticing the small things we do because we carry his name. So, by all means, let’s address the big things such as caring for the planet and working for peace, but let’s also do the small things – for all of it springs from the Spirit of Christ in us.

Prayer:  Lord Jesus, your Spirit in me has transformed my character, sharpened my abilities and given me a restless desire to share your love. Without you, I know that I am nothing, so I simply want to say: ‘Have your way in my life.’