Reflection: God is in the business of renewing the earth
One day my morning devotions included reading Psalm 104:30. It struck me that this was significant, but distracted by the busy schedule ahead of me I did not reflect on it deeply. I loaded the ute with tree seedlings to take to a village, knowing full well that most of them would die. I had tried so many things – new species, new methods, different timing of planting – nothing worked in a sustainable, economically viable way. I was very discouraged.
On the way to the village, I stopped near an expanse of totally denuded and compacted ground. Getting out of the vehicle, I was despairing that this land would ever be restored. How many million dollars, how many years, how many staff would it take to repair? It seemed hopeless.
Then, as I was about to get back into the vehicle, I noticed a small seedling germinating through a crack in that hard earth and I recalled the morning’s Bible reading: When you send your Spirit, they are created, and you renew the face of the ground.”
God is not only in the business of saving lost souls and healing broken lives. He is in the business of healing and renewing his broken creation. When we restore creation, we are doing what is pleasing to God and when we call on him, he is there to encourage us, to help us, and to give inspiration on the way forward.
Thank you, Lord, that you care about and uphold your creation (Hebrews 1:3; Col 1:17) to this day. May we seek your guidance, wisdom and insight as to what practical steps we can take to care for and restore your creation.