I have a cute picture of my daughter as a toddler with blue chalky dribble all around her mouth. When asked if she had been eating the chalk, she strongly denied it! That natural tendency to cover up when we mess up stays with us. And yet, life shows us that it inevitably is revealed with often worse consequences than if we had dealt with it right up front. We can choose to be people who admit when we mess up – to God and others – and receive the mercy waiting for us.
This goes hand in hand with becoming people who ‘fear to do wrong’. This doesn’t mean we fear failing and go deep into that perfectionism that paralyses us. The clue for what this really means is in the contrast with those who are ‘stubborn’ or ‘harden their hearts’. We can choose to be soft-hearted, open to correction, and sensitive to where God is leading us.
What area of your life do you need to learn how to ‘fear to do wrong’ and be more soft-hearted to where God may be leading you?
Jesus, thank you that I can confess my shortcomings to you and you pour out your mercy. Help me to be open to your leading and not to harden my heart in stubbornness. Amen.