14 day plan

What the World Needs Now (here's a clue: more than love)

Day 13 of 14



Jesus says, in the economy of salvation, there are only ‘leaners’, for the only way to be right with God is to lean on him. Why? Because while lifters rely upon their own exertions to bail out themselves and others, not even their best efforts can ever approach the impossibly high standards of God. And yet we tend to pride ourselves on our wits, our achievements, on earning our own keep. It takes a humble heart to accept that we can’t earn our way into God’s graces.

In what areas of your life are you tempted to rely upon yourself rather than God?


Our loving Father, thank you for inviting us to lean on you, so that you can lift us up. Help us remember our powerlessness before you and the magnitude of your grace so that we are always humble before you and always rely upon your grace to do anything in our lives. Amen.