14 day plan

What the World Needs Now (here's a clue: more than love)

Day 11 of 14



(Further reading: Luke 10:25-36)

Jesus told him, “Go and do likewise.”

“For those who’ve come across the seas / We’ve boundless plains to share” — two lines from our national anthem, which encourage each citizen to embrace a grand national vision of what the country could — and even should — be. This is an extremely complex issue, but one question gets to the heart of it:  do we fail to live up to this because we want to know who our neighbours are — that is, to whom we owe our compassion, generosity, and big-hearted assistance? If so, then perhaps we should heed Jesus’ call to the expert in the law: worry less about who your neighbour is and go be a neighbour to others.

What are ways — big and small — that you can be neighbourly in your lives?


Our loving Father, transform our hearts so that we can be hospitable, generous and compassionate to anyone in need no matter who they are. You have been a neighbour to us, seeking our good even at great cost to yourself. Help us to be neighbourly to others near and far. Amen.