3 day plan

Walk in Power - Part 1

Day 3 of 3


The power that rose Jesus from the dead is the same power that lives and works within you. Pause for a few moments and let that sink in.

An immature view of this can lead us to think we can use this power to do whatever we want and pull it out like a party trick. You may scoff at that, but it isn’t too far from how I thought and acted at times. I thought it meant I could set my plans and would automatically have the strength to do them all without considering if those plans were actually God’s will or within the human limitations he created me with (like the need for sleep!).

Those of us who believe have this great power. It is first to transform us more into the image of God and who he created us to be. Then it is to do the work that he calls us to.

Consider whether the areas you seem to lack this power are surrendered to God’s will.

Lord, I need your power and strength. Show me where I need to realign with your will. Amen.
