Reflection: God gave us Jesus. This needs to be our greatest memory and it needs to form our greatest gratitude. God has earned our trust by giving us his very own Son. How will he not also graciously give us all things? Surely, he already has.
Because of Jesus, I can trust. I don’t need to control everything – in fact I can’t, the events of this year have really shown us all that – but I can choose to trust. Things may not always be as I would choose – but I can still choose gratitude. God has given me Christ and that is enough. Trust may not change our circumstances but in reality, it changes everything.
When we learn to trust, hope and joy and peace return. And remember – it’s a choice and as much a part of our daily work as anything else that needs our attention.
I have to confess that there are still things that cause my heart to race and my stomach to lurch but in the midst of all of that I do have a strong sense of peace. I have learnt to face the worst of possibilities and I fight hard to entrust these to God too. I know God doesn’t guarantee particular outcomes – but he does guarantee his presence.
Question: These last few months have been very strange. Many of us have faced and are facing difficulty and uncertainty. Can I encourage you to actively choose to trust? Not as a feeling but as an action – a decision you make to trust in a good God who promises not just to be with us in every situation, but to bring us through it.
Prayer: Gracious Lord, may we cleave to trust, may we rely on you and your spirit, and may we continue to have absolute faith in Jesus Christ as our Lord and our Saviour, our redeemer, and our friend. In his name, we pray, Amen.