7 day plan

The Wisdom of a Father (or Father-Figure) across generations

Day 7 of 7


Reflection:  We’ve spent the last seven days in Proverbs 4 on the path to wisdom. As the Proverb closes, it reinforces (as biblical wisdom often does) the point to keep our eyes straight ahead.

As a child, I rode on an inner-city horse carriage. If you’ve even ridden one, you may have noticed something called a blinker or a blinder, which are placed on either side of the horse’s eye. Many horse trainers believe that these keep horses focused on what is in front, helping not be distracted by things behind or to the side.

Hopefully that’s what Proverbs is to you. An encouragement to keep focused on the path towards God and his wisdom. An encouragement to give careful thoughts to the paths we step on, to be consistently faithful to God’s call to love him and love our neighbour. And to keep our feet from the evil that will distract us, or in many cases, destroy us and our families.

If you’re feeling under pressure, or feeling like you’re down the wrong path, or if you feel that the path is blurry and out of focus, turn to the wisdom of God, the lessons of Proverbs and the message of his Son Jesus in the Gospels. My prayer is that his Word, Jesus, and his written word through the Bible, will turn you towards the God who loves you.

Prayer:  Dear Lord, thank you for setting us on the right path. Thank you for giving us wisdom and the opportunity to turn to you. Help us to turn towards you if we are deviating from your path. Help us to see clearly the path you’ve called us to. Help us to reach our hand out to others who may be drifting. And help us to see your Son, Jesus, in all our journeys.
