7 day plan

The Wisdom of a Father (or Father-Figure) across generations

Day 6 of 7


Reflection:  When I was young, there was a common phrase: “stick and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” I’m grateful that this statement appears to be slowly fading out of common language today. As time has passed, we seem to have grasped the enormous impact that words can play, especially in the lives of young people.

For fathers and father figures, our positive words can be treasure deposits in the lives of our children and family. As verse 22 says, these words are life and even health to the body. It’s important for us blokes — as well as women — to speak gentle, kind, affirming words to our children and young people.

Our words matter, and the way we speak to our kids is the way it will flow out of their hearts in the future. I’ve found this advice from my friends at The Fathering Project particularly helpful, and it mirrors the advice given by this Proverb thousands of years ago:   https://thefatheringproject.org/fathering-channel/dad-proof-tips-fathers-as-role-models-and-influence/

Prayer:  Dear Lord, help my words not to be a source of pain to others. Help me to speak words that will be treasure deposits in the lives of those around me. Help me to guard my heart and allow only gentle affirming words to flow from my lips.
