7 day plan

The Wisdom of a Father (or Father-Figure) across generations

Day 4 of 7


Reflection:  Yesterday, I referenced the father at the Olympics who helped his son finish the race after his injury. Being sidelined by an injury is not just an issue for athletes, and injuries aren’t always just physical.

Today’s passage focuses on the evil path of the wicked. What is ‘the evil path’ for us today? We are all – young and old – constantly being pulled by the voices around us (especially the voices shouting at us through our devices) to walk a different path. Paths of greed, selfishness, and self-interest are often tugging us away from generosity, compassion and focus on others.

Verse 16 even highlights that those who pursue the path of evil cannot ‘rest’. One of the biggest dangers of fatherhood and parenting today is putting too much pressure on our children. I’ve observed that the pressure to perform is prevalent in many households. Years ago, I walked the streets of our community asking families, “What are the biggest challenges facing you and your children?” A common thread was the pressure to perform, ‘achievement addiction’ (as Justine Toh from CPX explains).

Those who pursue the path of evil cannot ‘rest’ (vs 16). Father figures (and all parents, mentors and leaders) should help guide our children (even as adults) away from the path that strips us of rest, of peace and even of sleep, which Proverbs tells us will leave us vulnerable to stumble.

Prayer:  Dear Lord, keep me away from the path of destruction. Help me to not neglect rest and to focus on your voice of love, while providing this same voice to those under my care and in my life.
