Australia has entered a post-Christian era. For the first time, persecution for Christians is becoming real in Australia, and it takes real courage to stand up amongst the crowd and speak biblical truth to an increasingly anti-Christian audience.
In 2009, I worked in a summer camp in Pennsylvania with the Salvation Army and was shocked to meet children who did not know a single story from the Bible. How could a country like the USA have children who knew nothing about Jesus? After opening up the Bible with them and reading stories straight from the Bible, this was enough for some of them to commit their lives to Jesus. In 2015, I worked with a mission organisation in Ireland, running Christian incursions in high schools. I was, again, shocked to discover that almost an entire generation of students had been warned away from the Bible by their parents (because of scandals they heard within the Catholic Church). Yet, in the same breath as telling us they won’t read the Bible, they asked us what it said, eyes wide with curiosity. This generation that had seemingly been inoculated against the gospel were still drawn to Jesus through the Bible.
Now, in 2024 Australia, I am increasingly hearing stories from SU camps and programs of young people who have never heard a single Bible story in their life. A little girl at an SU beach mission came to the kids’ program and heard stories of Jesus all week, for the first time. When she learned that these stories all came from one book, her eyes lit up. Later in the week, the team spoke to the little girl’s father, asking if he would be ok with SU gifting her a Bible, he responded readily with a resounding ‘yes’ because she had talked his ear off about wanting a Bible all week long.
I could tell you stories all day long of the results of simply reading the Bible with people. It is not just words on a page, it is The Word, living and active, speaking to the hearts and minds of those who read it. The Bible will never go out of style, it will remain true, even to the ends of the age, and it is our job to share it with the masses.
Society can change all it likes, but God and his Word will be ever constant.
Lord Jesus, thank you for your Word and the hope it brings to us on a daily basis. Please grant me the knowledge and wisdom to tell others the stories written in your word. Speak to me through your Spirit and show me those around me whom you have prepared to hear the truth of your Gospel. Amen.