Perth summers can be hot and very, very dry. Our soil is pitifully sandy, lacking in any moisture-holding organic matter and in most essential nutrients.
A few years ago, we planted watermelons in our front yard, and were rewarded with a bumper crop – we could barely give them away fast enough!
The following year, I decided to plant watermelons again. However, I misjudged the timing, putting my seedlings in the ground immediately before an early heatwave hit. Before the seedlings could establish roots deep enough to cope with the dry conditions, they simply withered away, and that was the end of that – no watermelons for us that year! In our Christian lives, if we are to “finish the race,” we must put down strong roots in our faith. Practices that keep us deeply connected to Jesus, the source of our life and faith, are essential if we are to truly flourish and bear fruit.
Thinking back to your early days as a follower of Jesus – what practices or experiences helped you to put down strong roots in the faith? What keeps those roots strong today?
Lord, you are the author and sustainer of all life, and of my faith. Help me to walk closely with you, to love your Word and to cultivate deep roots in my spiritual life. I pray this in Jesus’ name, Amen.